Talking About Astrology And What It Really Is

The Origins of Astrology Astrology was not the invention of a single person, but was, in fact, a relatively recent development. Indeed, the ancient Greeks did not even have the notion of the universe or time. In fact, Aristotle had been developing the idea of astrology in his book on astronomy, “On the Heavens.”
But before this, it was only a few generations ago that astrology was actually a scientific discipline. Indeed, the world’s first modern-day astrologer, William Herschel, was a 17th-century British physicist, who used a model of the sky as his guide in the discovery of Uranus. In the 1780s, Johannes Kepler, the founder of modern astronomy, proposed the use of celestial movements to help determine the relative positions of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and planets.
This new idea quickly spread from a few scientific journals to an increasingly widespread interest in astrology as a science. By the time of the early 19th century, astrology had taken root in all but a few European countries, and its proponents were beginning to use the notion as a means of finding and predicting the future. The scientific method, by and large, rejected this method.
But by the early 20th century, the scientific method was beginning to reject a much wider range of alternative approaches to the study of the universe and of the nature of the human mind. As a result, it also became increasingly clear that astrology wasn’t a science.
Astrology had been a way of creating a better sense of a person’s future — but it wasn’t a science.
What is astrology? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, astrology is a system of interpreting the movements of the heavenly bodies in relation to one’s life, the course of one’s life, and the future in general. “All of these are related to one another, and therefore the system is called astrology.” 1 According to the New York Times, “Astrology can include such beliefs as the importance of the year, the power of fate and the future, reincarnation, the relationship between people and nature, and human psychic powers.”
2 “Astrology” in fact includes a wide variety of “methods of spiritual practice,” which are often based on various religious ideas or beliefs. For instance, astrology as a method of spiritual practice, while not strictly scientific, does have a very scientific and formal character. It has often been described as a science, and indeed, the word itself is a Latin word meaning “method” (and “science”). 3
Astrology, however, is a science which in the past was used in a much more informal sense. “Astrology is a type of spiritual practice. Astrology is a belief system, which is sometimes used to make predictions, to explain phenomena, and to help us cope with problems in our lives, and to promote harmony in society.”
Many people, particularly those with no formal education, may be somewhat surprised by the claims made by some astrologers, some of whom are well-known in their own right, and others who are not as well-known. Many astrologers, when speaking of their work, emphasize the connection between the movement of the planets and human relationships.
They point out that each of these planetary movements has an inherent significance, a relationship to events in our lives, to past and future events, and so forth. There is often a connection between the planetary movements of the Earth and those of the Moon. Some astrologers say that, in the past, there were two basic astrological systems, one based on the planet Mercury and the other on the Moon.
When the Moon became the ruling planet of the new heavens, astrologers said, it meant that the planets of the sign of the Moon were on the planet Earth. In other words, they said that our future life, our future planets, were connected to the future events on Earth. 4 The astrological system has changed from its beginnings in ancient India. There was a great change in that system of the early 1900s. As a result, some of the old rules of astrology were changed so that there was no longer a connection between the planets and the future.
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